The Islington Headteachers Network is open to all Heads of Children’s Centres, Primary, Secondary and Special schools in Islington. There are 3 full Network meetings per year (one per term) and six Executive Committee meetings. The network has 5 main objectives, which are set out in the constitution, as follows:
- To campaign for the maintenance of, and improvement in, the quality of publicly funded education in the London Borough of Islington
- To provide mutual support and advice to Headteachers of affiliated secondary, primary, special and nursery schools (community, aided or foundation), and other maintained settings with school age children in Islington
- To offer a non-party political and non-sectarian forum for debate and dialogue on education issues between members of subscribing schools; and between them and (i) the local authority; (ii) other stakeholders including DfE, parents groups etc
- To act as a voice for Islington Headteachers with other organisations concerned with the quality of education
- To raise such funds through subscription fees payable by participating schools, that shall meet the costs of the other objectives.